Birkenhead Park Public Consultation

As one of the world’s first public parks the Birkenhead Park Conservation Area has a distinct identity built around the vibrant Victorian landscape, with numerous buildings of architectural and historic interest adding to this within and outside of the park.

Since its designation as a conservation area in June 1977, there has been a real shift in focus to the values which people attribute to a place, and the role of the built environment in our social and mental wellbeing and sense of identity. Over the same period incremental change to buildings and the public realm have started to erode its character.
On behalf of Wirral Borough Council, Donald Insall is in the process of producing a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan to identify key opportunities for enhancement and priorities to be developed in an action plan for the area.
Central to this process is understanding the views of those who live, work, visit and play in Birkenhead Park Conservation Area. This will allow us to gain an understanding of what is valued and by whom, as well as building an appreciation for the buildings, landscape and the people which have shaped this fantastic historic environment.
Please fill in the form, which will close on the 31st of January, so that we can capture your opinions and thoughts.