Learn More at Birkenhead Park

Birkenhead Park is more than a scenic spot for walks and exercise; it’s a vibrant centre for outdoor education. As an essential community resource, the park connects visitors of all ages with nature through a range of learning opportunities.

A Centre for Outdoor Learning

We offer a series of outdoor learning activities for schools and young people here at the park, along with our accredited outdoor education training aimed at professionals. From seasonal walks, map reading and orienteering, pond dipping and mini beast hunting, to forest school, curriculum based outdoor learning, and CDP sessions – the park is truly a hub for education!

Ranger Led Activities


Tree and Plant Walks

Want to learn more about the flora of Birkenhead Park? Join our knowledgeable rangers throughout the seasons for our popular tree and plant identification walks:

Ranger Led ID Walk Dates 2025

Junior Ranger Programme

Looking for something fun and educational to do with the children during the school breaks? Check out our Junior Ranger Program Programme, with events and activities throughout the year:

Junior Rangers

Forest School 

Forest School

At Birkenhead Park, we offer an accredited Forest School Programme.

Forest School is a safe and non-judgemental environment where learners are hands-on, and at the centre of their own learning and development. With a high learner:leader ratio, Forest School allows learners to take on challenges and risks outdoors, building confidence, resilience, and inspiring care for the natural world.

Along with this we provide Level 3 Forest School Leader training. This course is designed to qualify trainees to set up and run their own Forest School Programme, covering the ethos and practical skills required.

We also offer Level 2 Curriculum Based Outdoor Learning courses aimed at teachers and professionals, along with our Campfire Competency Days.

More Information

To find out more information about any of our outdoor education programmes or events please get in touch with our team.


Click the link below for a list of our services and prices:


Price List