
Contacting Birkenhead Park

Birkenhead Park is the People’s Garden. It’s a community space that’s open to everyone and we love hearing from you!

Whether you want to hire our function room, use our gallery space, organise an event, or let us know about something you’ve spotted in the park, there are plenty of ways you can get in touch. Whichever you choose, our friendly team is on-hand to answer any of your queries and make your Birkenhead Park experience even better.

Contact Form

As you’re already here, the easiest way to get in touch is to use the contact form below. All online messages are sent to our email inbox, and we’ll get back in touch with you as soon as we can.

Contact Form



Alternatively, come and see us at the park’s Visitor Centre for a friendly chat, drop us an email, or give us a call. You can even send us a letter!


By Phone

Our telephone number is 0151 652 5197. A member of our team will be happy to speak to you during our normal office hours (9am to 4:30pm, seven days a week).


By Email

Our inbox is checked throughout the working day (that’s 9am to 4:30pm, every day of the week). We read every email that we receive and we’ll respond to your message as soon as we can. Please don’t include links or attachments in your email, as these may get caught in our spam filter.

Send your enquiries to: birkenheadpark@wirral.gov.uk


In Person

We’re located in the heart of Birkenhead and easy to get to. You can find the Visitor Centre on the north side of the park, not far from the play area. A friendly member of the park’s team will be here to welcome you and answer any questions you might have.

The centre is open from 9am to 4:30pm every day – apart from Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day.

View on map


By Snail Mail

Who doesn’t love getting a letter now and then? We certainly do and if you want to send us one, we’re happy to receive it. Write to us at:

Birkenhead Park Visitor Centre
Park Drive
CH41 4HY


Outdoor public events

Would you like to organise an outdoor event in the park?

Fill out the Event Registration Form

If you’re not sure about some of the details of your event, feel free to get in touch with us before submitting the form.


Visitor Centre’s indoor spaces

Our Gallery and Function Room spaces are primarily utilised for public, charity, or corporate events. We do not currently accept personal events such as Birthday parties or Christenings.